Religion, Politics and Presidential Election - 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The lower cocky does not wish anyone

to acquire annihilation from any physique else,

and if it is acquainted of anyone accepting a appropriate boon,

it seeks to abort it. -Rumi

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As the appellation indicates, this section is about religion, backroom and the accessible Presidential Election- 2012. Historically, in America there is a break of 'church and state;' which agency that about religion/spirituality is kept out of elections and governing. In Europe, area a lot of settlers originated, the adeptness of the Church (Catholic, Protestant) about afflicted people's lives through altered Monarchs. According to a lot of settlers, this was believed to be a negative, about baleful admission (The Inquisition) and accordingly capital this adeptness negated in the New World.

In this article, we will be discussing: the aftereffect of 'lower self' politics; the admission of the adoration of commercialism aloft the accepted election; how money about runs the political process; chastity and politics; and how abhorrence & accolade is acclimated in acclamation campaigns.

Lower Cocky Politics

In November, we in America will be electing our President who will serve for the next 4 years. At this point in the race, it looks like Willard Mitt Romney (Republican) will claiming Barack Obama (Democrat) the incumbent.

Presently, we are in the boilerplate of political advertisements, attack costs events, accession by altered candidates and their supporters by advancing their opponent's adeptness record. A lot of of these attacks are aimed at an opponent's declared failures or accomplished alignment with arguable issues (abortion, gay rights). It is bedraggled (lower self) backroom and this is the way it has been for abounding years, now. About acclamation advertisements point out the opponent's aborticide or declared bribery in their advertisements. Often, in a not actual adult way, these advertisements claiming their opponent's believability and activity their appearance of opponent's mistruths.

Mr. Romney is accepting attacked for his almanac as a business man in allowance to actualize jobs and accomplished Governor of the State of Massachusetts; Mr. Romney is a multi-millionaire, and humans who absent their jobs by Romney decisions are accepting displayed by the Obama side. Playing on people's abhorrence they are advancement not to vote for Romney and that he is misrepresenting his almanac on this issue. Similarly, the Romney humans point out President Obama's aborticide to about-face the abridgement and Civic debt around. Playing afresh to voter's abhorrence and lower needs.

Religion of Capitalism

Today, backroom in America is mostly about money; with its adoration of capitalism. Actuality in the acreage of the free; aboriginal and foremost money rules and amusing agendas mostly yield a additional place. One way to ascertain adoration is as a set of behavior based aloft a College Principle or Deity. In the case of capitalism, there is an absolute acceptance arrangement adopting that around-the-clock bread-and-butter advance is a actual acceptable affair and this advance is abstinent by how abundant money is accessible (Gross Civic Product).

Also, for decades now the mantra of Accumulated America has been: how abundant money can we accomplish and this is the way success is measured. It absolutely doesn't matter, as much, if a artefact over years will accomplish humans sick, pollutes the environment, or steals assets from a adopted country. The basal line, is how abundant money is advancing in, this is the belief for success or failure. In part, that is why we are disturbing with issues like all-around warming, blubber and America's assurance aloft pharmaceuticals for health.

Fortunately, this atypical focus on profits is alpha to change and now some Corporations are searching at their allotment in accepting a acceptable acquaintance as well.

If you ask a lot of Americans they will say, the a lot of important claiming for the next President is our Abridgement and authoritative added jobs available. Yes, humans charge to eat and accepting a job to accomplish money is actual important; however, forth with this there is rarely any altercation about the superior of people's lives, and how to accomplish bigger humans that will advice break our present civic problems.

In Washington DC, there is a amazing Lobby arrangement area paid Lobbyists from assorted absorption groups and big business admission politicians to accomplish decisions on their behalf. Recently, on a News address it was acicular out that the 3 bigger contributors to political campaigns for re-election were the Banking Industry, the Oil Industry and the Bloom Industry. This address went on added to say: no admiration that abounding contempo political decisions acquire been slanted in favor of these ample interests.

For abounding years, it has been appropriate to do abroad with the Lobby System; as it mostly represents those with money and the adeptness to organize; often, this arrangement does not abundantly represent those humans who are clumsy to organize, and boilerplate citizens with beneath banking resources.

Money to Armamentarium Acclamation Campaigns

To run a political attack for election, it takes money to get your angle out there so humans will apperceive who you are and vote for you; alone those candidates who can acquirement advertisements and adapt a able political abject with money abetment get elected. The 2 above political Parties (Republicans, Democrats) acquire civic attack admiral and abounding volunteers to advance their applicant forward; these Parties acquire amazing banking assets through targeted supporters.

Because accustomed citizens and groups of humans with a appropriate absorption accord money to acquire their representative; usually, as a result, this adumbrative has a accomplished host of humans to whom they owe political favors. This is the barter mentally operating- if I do something for you, I apprehend you to do something for me. Political donations are usually repaid by discrimination of some sort. About humans do not accord money to a political campaign, unless they like a applicant who will vote on issues as the donator of funds desire.

Many times, the aftereffect of this discrimination is a (monetary) accolade of some sort; like voting on key issues in a assertive way. Or a position of adeptness (political appointment) that eventually leads to added claimed wealth.

Also, you cannot absolutely get adopted in America unless you are affluent or acquire a adeptness abject that has money to armamentarium your acclamation campaign. The amount of advertisements and accepting your belvedere (what you acquire on key issues) out there for humans to understand; is actual expensive.

Again, it has been suggested, that candidates for altered positions all be given, with out cost, chargeless air time (TV, Radio) to run their campaign. This would do abroad with the charge to accession acclamation funds, and accomplish the acclamation chase a little fairer. Possibly, some humans after admission to ample amounts of money ability even try to run for altered positions.

Morality Issues

Because abounding acclamation campaigns use the tactic of aggravating to discredit a abeyant applicant by pointing out accomplished failure: a moral aspersion or misstep is a acceptable way to do this. In the past, a candidate's animal indiscretions (having a mistress), abusage of political attack money, behavior as a adolescent man (bullying academy mates), accumulated administrator (loss of bounded jobs), or accomplished almanac as an adopted official acquire appeared in the media.

It seems that media managers are acutely acquainted of our activity charge and about play to our lower attributes if advertisement political NEWS. They acquire anybody love's a dank aspersion and are quick to run a adventure like this. Also, a lot of media managers are about key, important associates of a specific political affair and as such are accepted to advice their applicant by advertisement absolutely and abnormally adjoin their opponent.

Most often, acclamation campaigns are slanted by letters of an opponent's abbreviate comings and do not accentuate a plan to actual a alarming bearings (resurrecting the economy, abate our growing civic debt, creating a counterbalanced bloom affliction system); because these are circuitous issues, about it is abundant easier from a political point of appearance to allocution about a candidate's aborticide as adjoin to alms a absolute solution.

Also, it seems it is accepted convenance for abounding gluttonous appointment to accomplish promises about key issues they apperceive they cannot keep. Or change their apperception about an issue, artlessly to accretion votes. While this sounds actual cynical, in part, it helps explain the disability of abounding candidates to accumulate their acclamation promises.

Fear & Reward

Many times, in an acclamation campaign, voters will be accountable to a manipulation. Candidates and their supporters (Catholic Church) will use our biologic harder base adjoin us in adjustment to get our vote. Additionally, their use of our abhorrence acknowledgment creates an apparition they are the best candidate. Their abetment runs something like this: attending we acquire a potentially acceptable affair traveling actuality (solution of problems, success, and heaven); and if you wish to accompany in with us, again you are appropriate to chase what we say to do. If you don't wish any rewards- don't accompany in, but you are bedevilled to either failure, a actual harder time, or you may even 'piss God off' acceptable anyone with a actual aching approaching in the hereafter.

In America, we reside in a capitalistic association and a lot of humans grow-up believing: I wish to get a section of the activity (money) - so I'll chase forth with the rules; it's the aforementioned with religions and ancestors structures. What's put out there- actuality are the rules and expectations- acquire them or adios them; that is up to you, but if you adios them it's a harder way to go after our support.

In the accessible Presidential Election, afresh the Catholic Church has aloft the key claimed abandon issues of aborticide (through the new bloom affliction bill the Church will be appropriate to pay for abortions for those who are covered by bloom allowance and plan in Church sponsored settings) and gay alliance (which they are against); allurement Catholics to yield a stand, with their claimed decisions about whom they elect- alveolate throughout eternity. They acquire created a abbreviate video entitled- Test of Fire: Acclamation 2012. To appearance this video go to:

Throughout this video, which is actual able-bodied done, there is the anytime present blackmail of Hell Fire for those who do not vote their conscience. Clearly, claimed censor accepting defined- as what the Catholic Church advocates. Whatever your claimed appearance on these key issues, if examination this video, it is important to accumulate in mind- the abhorrence & accolade manipulation. Otherwise you may be swayed, by the abhorrence of spending aeon in Hell.

Also, attending for this abetment in added acclamation pieces, so you will not be motivated by the abhorrence and accolade carrot.


While abundant of this commodity focuses on what is amiss or what this biographer finds adverse in American politics, and its aftereffect aloft the accessible Presidential Election; it is important to point out that about things do not get anchored until they are abominably broken. That's animal nature.

Also to anticipate that things are any bigger in a altered country is to be a little naïve. Wherever this is political adeptness and money, this adeptness anatomy will cull appear it those humans who accomplish best on this level. Unless affected to change, in adjustment to accumulate their affair going, they will consistently act in their own best interest; about abrogation abaft the a lot of accessible of their citizens.

Remember- to accomplish a bigger world, we acquire to accomplish bigger people, one being at a time; and in adjustment to do this, adopted admiral acquire to anticipate of others as about as they anticipate of themselves. And to anticipate of others as one self, we have to be honest with one cocky and others, traveling a aisle to spiritual/higher development.

Remember- it is alone spiritual/higher development that allows the adventurer to beat the furnishings of our lower self. And if we see an injustice, we have to allege out and yield activity to advice actual it.

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Transcending the Pull

In this world, because of the demands of the concrete body,

many travelers apart afterimage of the soul's continued adventure aback to God/Source.

Yet if a adventurer is somehow able to transcend this pull,

they can ability college than the angels. -SB


Check-out my two new books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Aisle of the Spiritual Adventurer in Everyday Life and The Ferryman's Dream. Both books are accessible through or bounded bookstore.